On 25 January 2021 the kick-off meeting of BioCoke4FAI project – Bio-coke for ferroalloys industry production was held. The purpose of the project is to develop innovative and economically viable technology for the production of bio-coke for ferroalloys used in the metallurgical industry. The meeting was organized by the Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal (ICHPW) – Project Promoter. The project is implemented by a Polish-Norwegian consortium: ICHPW (Poland, Project Promoter), SINTEF (Norway, Scientific Partner), ERAMET (Norway, Industrial Partner – ferroalloys producer) and KCN – Koksownia Częstochowa Nowa (Poland, Industrial Partner – coke producer).
Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic, the kick-off meeting was held online by MS Teams software. The meeting was divided into three parts. In the first part, all partners presented the scope of activities of their units. In the second part, the basic assumptions of the implemented project were discussed, the scope of R&D work and the role of individual partners in its implementation was discussed in details. In the third part, organizational issues related to the current implementation of the project were discussed. The main idea of this project is to produce a hybrid reductant based on coal-biomass blends (replacement of non-renewable fossil elemental carbon forming the structure of coke with carbon from renewable sources – biomass) and verification of its usability in a pilot scale.